
Dyke Ideas by Joyce Trebilcot
Dyke Ideas by Joyce Trebilcot

Dyke Ideas by Joyce Trebilcot

Its scope and learning are brilliant and dazzling.

Dyke Ideas by Joyce Trebilcot Dyke Ideas by Joyce Trebilcot

'Küng’s book stands out for its focus on concepts, drivers, and dynamics. Including a comprehensive chronology and bibliography, this book is an excellent access point for students, researchers, and anyone interested in learning more about the struggle for equality. The Historical Dictionary of the Lesbian and Gay Liberation Movements covers the history of this movement through a cross-referenced dictionary with over 1000 entries on specific countries and regions, influential historical figures, laws that criminalized same-sex sexuality, various historical terms that have been used to refer to aspects of same-sex love, and contemporary events and legal decisions. If anything, there is perhaps too much “news” and not enough “information.” Obviously, a book like this cannot keep up with the news, but it can do something equally important when it comes to information, by reminding us of the past and what has been going and just how fast events are moving. Today, by contrast, hardly a day passes when something important does not occur, and is carried by the major media and disseminated on more personal levels through blogs and the social media. Not so long ago hardly anything was said of the Lesbian Liberation Movement and the Gay Liberation Movement, indeed, the terms gay and lesbian were not even used if some other expression could be found. The writings (which include essays, poetry, a dialogue, and forms without names) resonate with the feelings and thoughts of many wimmin. Dyke Ideas is written in a candid, clear, jargon-free style that makes it accessible to a wide range of readers. This book suggests that lesbian philosophy is like a potluck: wimmin bring their own contributions and also help themselves to the offerings of others. Persuasion is tyranny, Joyce Trebilcot thinks, so she tries not to interfere with a reader's processes of creating/discovering her own ideas. The authoritarian, God's-eye stance typical of academic writing is disavowed in favor of an approach that denies that others "should" accept the author's beliefs. "Craziness," guilt, competition, sex, and other topics are explored in ways that reject male values and move toward wimmin-identified cultures. The main value is wimmin-women separate from men and men's inventions. We only index and link to content provided by other sites.ĭyke Ideas is a passionate and insightful contribution to lesbian philosophy. Disclaimer: This site does not store any files on its server.

Dyke Ideas by Joyce Trebilcot