I'm sure he'll be a good (and bland) king, but he was a very boring love interest.

Aodren just seems super whiny throughout the book he's clearly just there to act as a comparison to Cohen's jealousy and overbearing ways, but I feel like he was just dropped in on us, so his relationship with Britta seems very forced. However, I thought the characters completely fell flat. We also had a lot more POVs in this book, with Britta, Cohen and Aodren all getting POV opportunities throughout the book. Slight Character Development: We saw some slight development in Britta and Cohen this book, with Britta becoming stronger in her resolve and confidence when it comes to Cohen and Cohen starting to figure out how to love Britta, even if it means without him around.While I was pleasantly surprised by the ending of this book, overall this series wasn't a winner for me. I recently read Ever the Hunted and was not a fan (as you can tell from my review here), but I don't like leaving a series unread and I felt like I owed the books a chance to redeem themselves.